Meet GLMA's Team

Alex Sheldon, MA

Executive Director

Alex Sheldon is the Executive Director of GLMA and a professional researcher, strategist, and advocate with over 15 years of experience in the field of human rights with a concentration in LGBTQ+ rights. Prior to joining GLMA, Alex was the Head of Research & Social Impact at an LGBTQ+ start-up company, where they specialized in economic inclusion for LGBTQ+ people. Previously, Alex served as the Deputy Director of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) at the Clinton Foundation, and they held roles at Everytown for Gun Safety, the Movement Advancement Project (MAP), and several international nonprofits. They received an MA in International Human Rights with a concentration in Global Health Affairs from the University of Denver, a BA in Psychology from Whittier College in California, and a certificate in Nonprofit Leadership and Management from the Institute for Nonprofit Practice. Alex is a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer and currently serves on the Board of Directors at the Equality Federation.

Eli Duffy

Communications & Development Manager

Eli is the Co-Founder and Creative Director at Karass Media, a communications consulting agency that specializes in supporting mission-driven organizations to build impactful messaging systems. Prior to joining GLMA he led the Communications and Development efforts at Reckoning Trade Project, a nonprofit engaged in LGBTQ+ advocacy and workforce inclusion within the skilled trades. Eli previously lived in Canada where he studied Human Geography at the University of Northern British Columbia. During this time, Eli worked with several public health organizations on efforts to support community members living with HIV, as well as expanding access to grant funding to communities in the rural north. 

Grace DeGenaro

Communications Intern

Grace is a fourth year university student studying Management Communications and Family Science. In addition to being a student, Grace has also worked to help develop their university’s sexual health program, spread awareness about dating violence in a peer education group, and assisted in their university’s IT department as a communications specialist. They are passionate about promoting accessible and equitable healthcare, especially regarding sexual health and LGBTQ+ topics. Outside of their academic career, Grace enjoys playing rubgy, creating art, and reading. 

Office Contact Information

Here’s contact information for our office and staff. We greatly appreciate and rely upon the input of our members and others to help us be as effective as possible. We welcome your opinions and suggestions.

1629 K St. NW, Ste. 300
Washington, DC 20006
phone: (833) 456-2202 

If you have questions about joining or donating, please contact us at (833) 456-2202 or